Concept - Art Direction- Classic - Design - Social Media - Online
Personal work for Climate Goals 2030 “no time to waste, stop sea level rise 1cm” Inspired from songs I love, created with AI: “Reduce, reuse, recycle” Artist: JackJohnson
#notimetowaste #globalwarming #aiartwork #promtartist #digitalart
My Part : Concept, Text, Artwort prompted with midjourney
Concept I Art Direction I Classic I Design I Ooh
Poster Campaign. 50 Individual billboards to increase awareness and visibility for the Evangelische Kirche Spandau.
Concept - Art Direction - Classic
Entega. What differenciates us from other energy suppliers? We are the exact same thing in green.
aftereffects concept design artdirection
sequence from animated musicvideo janelle monáe
Das Berliner Autobahndreieck Funkturm als meistbefahrener Verkehrsknoten Deutschlands ist marode und sanierungsbedürftig. Die Umbau-Planung ist katastrophal und hätte starke negative Auswirkungen auf Verkehrssicherheit, Umwelt und Menschen der Stadt.
Die Initiative fordert eine nachhaltige Verkehrspolitik und fordert alle Interessenvertreter und politisch Verantwortlichen zu einem zielführenden Dialog für eine bessere Lösung auf.
Zur Demo kamen 600 Leute, die Presse nimmt das Thema auf.
Weitere Aktionen und Gespräche folgen.
Mit vollem Erfolg: der Berliner Senat und Autobahngesellschaft DEGES überarbeiten die komplette Planung in Rücksprache mit der Initiative!
The Berlin motorway Dreieck Funkturm, Germany's busiest traffic junction, is deteriorating and in need of reconstruction. The initiative calls for a sustainable transport policy and calls on all stakeholders and political leaders to engage in a goal-oriented dialogue for a better solution.
The demonstration was attended by 600 people, and the press is picking up the issue. Further actions and discussions follow.
With full success: the Berlin Senate and motorway company DEGES are revising the entire planning in consultation with the initiative!
Personal work for Climate Goals 2030 “no time to waste,reduce emissions by 55%” Inspired from songs I love, created with AI: “All the good girls go to hell” Artist: Billie Eilish
My Part : Concept, Text, Artwort prompted with midjourney
Mother's milk, everyday amazing.
„It‘s all about the best and most natural nutrition - mother’s milk. Who produces it and is the expert when it comes to milk? Let‘s hear what breasts have to say.
"Es geht um die beste und natürlichste Ernährung - die Muttermilch. Wer produziert sie und ist der Experte, wenn es um Milch geht? Hören wir uns an, was Brüste zu sagen haben
Mein Part: Konzept, Art Direction, Design > OoH, Socialmedia, POS für Superunion.
Concept - Art Direction - Design
NGO billboard as reaction and solidarity statement of public protests #iranrevolution and #womenlifefreedom movement initiated by the violent death of #Mahsaamini.
Personal work for Climate Goals 2030 “no time to waste, limit global warming to 1,5°” Inspired from songs I love, created with AI: “Sometimes it snows in April” Artist: Prince #notimetowaste #globalwarming #aiartwork #promtartist #digitalart
My Part : Concept, Text, Artwort prompted with midjourney
Kians Garden Flower Shop & Flower Catering
We got your flowers in mind.
Concept I Art Direction I Ooh
aftereffects concept artdirection design
sequence from animated musicvideo janelle monáe
Aftereffects design artdirection
sequence from animated musicvideo janelle monáe
„It‘s all about the best and most natural nutrition - mother’s milk. Who produces it and is the expert when it comes to milk? Let‘s hear what breasts have to say.
Concept I Art Direction I Classic I Design I Ooh
Poster Campaign. 50 Individual billboards to increase awareness and visibility for the Evangelische Kirche Spandau.
Concept - Art direction - classic
powerade image campaign
8:00 Fight in the bathroom. 11:00 Fight in the kitchen. 15:00 Fight in the car.
Time changes everything. Except a Rado.
concept artdirection design
dearsoap- sustainable soap shop opening
Concept - Art direction - Classic
Entega. Clean energy. Without the babble.
Concept - Art direction - classic - website design
Clynol ID Hair Repair
From sick to silk in a wash.
the voucher
Lisi was delighted: “A voucher for the train!”. Jim blushed.
aftereffects design artdirection
sequence from animated musicvideo janelle monáe